hobby Jewelry making is a fun and rewarding hobby, and the internet offers so many opportunities for jewelry artisans to market and sell their designs. There are a few things you will need to do so that your jewelry will stand out from all the others because jewelry is a very competitive market.
1. Your jewelry designs will need to be unique or different in some way from all the others designers.
2. Watch the trends to see what colors or style of jewelry are popular. Work those into your designs, in your own unique way.
3. Show your own style and personality through your jewelry designs
4. Always be professional in your business and dealing with your customers.
When marketing and promoting your jewelry there are some things that you will need to do on a regular basis.
1. Wear your jewelry whenever you go out. Work, doctor, shopping, everywhere you go, and have plenty of business cards on hand to give out anytime you receive
an compliment.
2. You will need great photos and descriptions of your jewelry. When selling online, this is the only thing your potential customers will have to go by, is pictures and
descriptions. Include as much information as possible. Size, length, type of material, what inspired you, what makes it different, etc.
3. Blog about your jewelry, what you are working on, the process on how you made it, what material was used, the design, what inspired you to make this piece, etc. Take pictures as you go and post them through the process. What you are going to make next. Give your customer a face and personality to associate with your product.
4. Join a forum/group, social media or both. Then participate in the conversations.
Talk about your jewelry, post pictures, share tips and ideas. Contribute great
information to the group.
If you do these things on a regular basis you will draw more and more traffic to
your site. The more traffic you bring to your site the more potential customers you
will have.
By following these tips, adding a little hard work, and time you too can turn your
jewelry making hobby into a successful jewelry business.
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